Cooler temperatures and a hint of fall are in the air. You know what that means: there are many, MANY new games available to play. The fall rush of video game releases is keeping your friendly neighborhood Co-Optimus staff very busy this weekend. One lucky staffer is playing a game so new, it hasn't even been released yet! Are we living in the future or what?
Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "I plan on trying to finish up Dead Island if I get some free time. Perhaps dive back into Deus Ex: Human Revolution."
Marc "DjinniMan" Allie - "I'll be dying repeatedly and attempting to unlock more credits in Radiant Silvergun, and loving every minute of it! Might also have some time to finish a second Gears 2 campaign run, too."
Mike "Pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "I'll be playing reverse Box Tetris as I unpack all of my belongings, which finally arrive today. If I get my systems set up, I'll probably just start weeping the tears of an addict after his first fix in a long time. "
Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "I'll be Cole-Trainin' through the Gears of War 3 campaign and checking out its other modes for the Co-Optimus review."
Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill - "I'll be playing Renegade Ops for review and then head back to Banoi for some new game plus action in Dead Island. For a change of pace, I'll hit up WH40k Space Marine's versus multilplayer. Can't wait for the co-op mode in that game."
Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "I'll be hitting up Bunch of Heroes this weekend for an upcoming review."
Paul "EastX" Acevedo - "I'll be giving the Kinect XBLA title Leedmees another shot. Hopefully the controls work better than my first time playing. If I have the time, I also hope to finish up some Gunstringer Achievements and work on Worms 2: Armageddon a little more. All that plus watching Thor on Blu-Ray with the family."
Jason "OrigamiPanther" Love - "As Space Marine arrived this week, I'll be purging some xenos for that Emperor chap, and slicing up some zombies real fine in Dead Island."
Sam "Samoza" Tyler - I've been picking up some co-op bargains in recent days so plan to finish Green Lantern and sharpen up my combat skills with Operation Flashpoint: Red River.
What are your gaming plans?