News | 10/29/2011 at 8:00 AM

Beyond Co-Op, October 23rd to October 29th

Welcome to Beyond Co-Op, a weekly piece that talks about industry stories that may or may not be related to co-op gaming.

The stories for this week:

- Target Has Buy 2, Get 1 Free Next Week
- DC Universe Goes Free to Play on Tuesday
- Grand Theft Auto V Trailer Coming on Wednesday
- Grand Theft Auto V to be Based in Los Angeles-like City, Multiple Playable Characters
- Uncharted 3, Goldeneye 007: Reloaded, LOTR: War in the North and Sonic Generations This Week

Target Has Buy 2, Get 1 Free Next Week

I’m usually not one to note this because Toys ‘R Us does it one or twice a year, but I live in Minnesota where Target is located and would like the hometown company to do well. I read on Cheap Ass Gamer (link below) that next week will be Buy 2, Get 1 Free at Target. You can read about some of the new games coming this week in my last subject, but let’s just say this is a pretty good week to be pushing this deal. Now I wish the other local company would do this in the future as well. That company being Best Buy.

Source: Cheap Ass Gamer

DC Universe Goes Free to Play on Tuesday

On All Saints Day, DC Universe will go Free to Play. I’ll certainly be checking it out now that it is free to play. The people I feel sorry for are the ones that picked this game up in January and have paid roughly 10 months of fees only to see the game go to the free to play model.

Source: me

Grand Theft Auto V Trailer Coming on Wednesday

The next two stories revolve around Grand Theft Auto V which was recently announced. Rockstar will be releasing a trailer next Wednesday showing off the game. I would guess it will be much like the recent Max Payne 3 trailer and show us a bit about the game. The bigger question is whether it will have a release date attached to it like Max Payne 3 did or not. I’m betting on a Fall 2012 release, but they may hone it down even more than that.

Source: me

Grand Theft Auto V to be Based in Los Angeles-like City, Multiple Playable Characters

This info comes from the only bright spot on Kotaku’s editorial lineup: Stephen Totilo. He blew the big news that Grand Theft Auto V will be based in a city like Los Angeles (maybe Los Santos like in San Andreas?) and will include multiple playable characters. This makes me very intrigued as there could be multiplayer or co-op opportunities in the game, right? I also wonder if for the first time we’ll be able to play as a female. We’ll find out at least a bit on Wednesday I’m guessing. I just want to say Totilo is truly a game journalist in the best sense of the word, can’t necessarily say the rest of his cohorts at Kotaku are.

Source: Kotaku

Uncharted 3, Goldeneye 007: Reloaded, LOTR: War in the North and Sonic Generations This Week

Obviously Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is the major release this week, but it certainly has at least some competition. Goldeneye 007: Reloaded comes to the PS3 and 360, an HD upgraded version of the Wii game that came out last year. Lord of the Rings: War in the North is also released this week and I have a feeling that Sega may finally put the Sonic curse to bed with Sonic Generations, but I could certainly be very wrong.

Source: me