No, Kevin Butler is not trying to force choke you. If he was, you'd already be dead. He's simply demonstrating a way for you to win some cash monies in a new Uncharted 3 contest. If you have a webcam, some free time, and some rock-solid deltoids, you can win yourself $10,000 bucks. That's right. Ten. Thousand. Dollars. That's like a bazillion nickels, or all of the pennies in the whole world*! Simply go to, register, start up your webcam, and grab that damn ring. Then hold it for (as of this writing) at least 8 hours, 48 minutes, and 36 seconds. You didn't thing it would be easy, did you?
This is how it works. Whoever holds the ring for the longest amount of time for one day will win $500 bucks! Whoever has the best time after the contest is over will receive $10,000. The contest ends on November 15th. Hold on a second! There's more... Kevin Butler knows that not everyone is as manly as he is, so he made Sony shell out prizes to almost anyone who gets involved. You can see all of the available prizes after the break.
Since I have about a minute and a half of free time, I tried it out. I held the ring for two minutes. That may not sound like a lot of time to you, but that extra thirty seconds counted as my lunch break. Not only did I have to hold the ring, Kevin Butler made fun of me while I was playing! It was kind of awesome. I received a code for an Uncharted 3 in-game cash reward. Huzzah! I'm such a nice guy, I'll post the code after the video
Watch Kevin Butler kevinbutler-up (yes, his name is also a verb) the contest in this video. Kevin Butler!
Here's a list of the available prizes:
Achievement Prize Achievement Prize Holding the Ring for 15 Seconds In-Game T-Shirt Holding the Ring for 2 Minutes In-Game Cash Reward Holding the Ring for 4 Minutes Treasure Hunter Starter’s Pack Holding the Ring for 8 Minutes Naughty Dog Pistol Holding the Ring for 16 Minutes Kickback Endurance Reward Holding the Ring for 30 Minutes Clip size for GMAL Holding the Ring for 1 Hour Naughty Dog Rifle Holding the Ring for 1.5 Hours Mystery Weapon 1 Holding the Ring for 2 Hours Mystery Weapon 6
As promised, here's my code for the in-game cash reward.
Don't say I never gave you anything.
*$10,000 dollars may or may not be all the pennies in the whole world. My fact-checker took the day off.