News | 12/15/2011 at 4:07 PM

Join Us for Dungeon Defenders (PC) Co-Op Night on Dec 17th

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We're finishing off our December co-op nights with Dungeon Defenders for PC. The event kicks off at 8PM Central on Saturday, December 17th. After all the holiday sales, this game found it's way to most of our Steam libraries, and everyone seems to be enjoying it. If you somehow managed to miss out on those sales, you can still pick it up from Amazon at the regular price of $15, and as an added bonus, you're treated to an Amazon exclusive pet, and $5 credit on downloadable versions of this year's best sellers (including Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3). Not a bad deal for a quality 8-player co-op game.

Hop on over to the event's thread in the forums for more information. This game really thrives in co-op so you should all join in! The following members of our staff will be playing:

bapenguin (Nick) smurphster (Eric) Sunflower4000 (Rich) pheriannath (Mike) jazzylove55 (Jason) lockevincent (Locke)

We're planning on using Steam's group chat to organize teams. Join the Co-Optimus group on Steam, then click "Enter chat room" in the upper right Actions menu and let us know you're looking for a group. We'll try to get everyone in a group with staff members, but feel free to jump in someone else's game if we run out of room. Hope to see you there!