News | 6/15/2012 at 6:00 PM

Our Weekend in Gaming - Strategery Games Edition

We're (mostly) recovered from all the E3 goodness and now it's back to playing games.  A little known fact about E3, when you go to the show to work - you don't actually play that many games.  So it's time to catch up.  It seems the staff has been bitten by the strategy bug, with DOTA 2, Civ 5 and Sins of a Solar Empire all popping up on our play lists.  Don't worry - we're still playing Diablo 3 too.

Nick "bapenguin" Puleo (@NickPuleo) - "I'll be playing Civilization V: Gods and Kings and wrapping up Blue Shield Alliance development on the 360."

Mike "Pheriannath" Katsufrakis (@Pherinnath) - "Well, I WAS going to play some Diablo 3 co-op with Jason, but then I bought Civ 5 and obliterated my free time. I'm also enjoying the hell out of Gravity Rush on the Vita."

Marc "DjinniMan" Allie (@DjinniMan- "Diablo and Madagascar, both of the third varieties."

Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill (@Cubninja) - "Sniper Elite V2 is my new form of meditation. I'll be taking Jason along for the spiritual journey. I'll also be playing Diablo 3 with Locke's Demon Hunter. And a buddy of mine recently downloaded Saints Row the Third, so it looks like baseball bat-sized sex toys are in my future."

Jason "OrigamiPanther" Love (@JLove55) - "I have a feeling Andrew and I will be continuing our scenic tour through 1940s Germany one exploding head at a time. I'll also be playing some Diablo 3, and Shadow of the Colossus HD."

Paul "EastX" Acevedo (@SegaCon- "Family stuff like Fable Heroes for me, plus looking at E3 photos when my mom comes over."

Eric "smurphster" Murphy (@smurph_em)- "GRAW2, and Gears of War 3 for me. My Minecraft (PC) server has some new residents so I'll probably spend some time there as well."

Sam "Samoza" Tyler (@reelsamtyler) - "Babel Rising is on the review agenda, but I will also be playing some Saints Row: The Third if I get the chance, almost completed this pretty massive game."

Locke Vincent (@LockeVincent) - "I'll be playing one game of Sins of the Solar Empire: Rebellion all weekend. That't right, one single game will probably take me about 20 hours. It's for science, and a review. "

Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "I'll hit up Inversion for upcoming review, whilst diving back into some Dota 2 co-op when I have time."

Chris "The Lemko" Metz (@The_Lemko) - "I hope to get in some co-op time with my little brother and Minecraft, as well as look into trading in for Sonic Generations. I'm becoming quite the Sonic fanboy (the good kind) lately!"

How about you, Co-Optimus Community?  What will you be playing this weekend?