It's time for another new feature on Co-Optimus. I know... "Nick, enough with the new features already!" Nay! Everyone loves Fridays...why? Because that means an extra amount of time to get our game on! Every week the Co-Optimus staff will let you know their gaming plans, and then...we want to hear yours!
Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "I'll be hunkering through the last two chapters in Left 4 Dead as well as playing some Sacred 2 with Mike. If I'm lucky I'll squeeze in some Fallout 3."
Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "I'll be working on my World at War ranks (blasphemy!), I may run a few races in Pure, and I'll probably spring for one of the new Premium Xbox themes. I'd like to revisit Rainbow Six Vegas 2 again, too."
Marc "DjinniMan" Allie - "I hope for a real cornucopia of gaming this weekend. The main course will be Left 4 Dead, naturally. Some side dishes of Rock Band 2 (almost done with World Tour) and likely some Power Rangers Super Legends with my youngest. Yeah, it's co-op! For dessert also restarted Spore with a new race, going herbivore this time. Sounds tasty, eh?"
Mike "Pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "Along with pretty much everyone else who reads this site, I'll be playing Left 4 Dead. I'm also working on Sacred 2 (which I hope to get some co-op play in), and I plan on picking up Mirror's Edge."
Blake "broodax" Corner - "Well, like most in the gaming world, I'm playing Left 4 Dead (sadly only the demo, though). Then for something completely different, I'm planning on some Call of Duty 4. Then, back to Left 4 Dead."
So what's on your gaming schedule? Who are you co-oping with?