News | 12/15/2012 at 5:37 PM

Uncharted 3 Features Rare Treasure Drops in Co-Op This Weekend

Still going strong.

Naughty Dog continues to support Uncharted 3's multiplayer modes by mixing things up with labs and offering bonus events to entice players back.  The latest promotion is an all co-op affair increasing the likelihood of seeing "rare" treasure dropped in a co-op match.

All Co-Op modes in Uncharted 3 Multiplayer – Hunter, Arena, and Adventure – now include a greater chance you’ll be receiving a rare treasure drop! This is the first ever treasure drop weekend for Uncharted 3 multiplayer. Your chance to earn a rare treasure in Crushing Co-Op Adventure has tripled while the likelihood of you seeing a rare treasure drop in Hard Co-Op Adventure has doubled.

Normal and easy difficulty both have a slight increase as well and all modes of gameplay earn double cash this weekend.  It's like Christmas came early.  The even runs until Tuesday, December 18th, after that it's back to normal.