News | 3/25/2013 at 9:37 PM

Xbox and PS3 Update Arrives for Aliens: Colonial Marines

Will patches fix an ultimately broken game?

There’s no doubt that most of us can share in the disappointment that is Aliens: Colonial Marines. However, Gearbox IS trying to correct their mistakes by fixing the errors that have been plaguing all versions of the game since launch. A recent update to the console versions may give players a reason to give the game a second chance.

Gearbox, in an attempt to clean-up the mess that they left with Aliens: Colonial Marines, first gave PC gamers their title update not too long ago, improving on the graphics, enemy AI’s, and overall bugginess. This time around, the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions have been fixed for better co-op play and improving on many things that the PC update had to offer. But will all of this be enough to keep console gamers interested? Here is a list of the tweeks players will now see:

Xbox 360


Added additional safeguards to better protect save data. Resolved an issue where a player's level could sometimes appear incorrect when backing out of a party. Addressed several scenarios under which players could spawn without a weapon. Changes to better prevent audio from sometimes cutting out during end of mission cinematics. Fixed issue where Xeno death animation was not properly calculating momentum of the killing blow. Smart Gun animation now properly tracks targets. Addressed some instances where Xenos would display erratic animations. Increased light radius for player's shoulder lamp. Adjusted aim assist to better reflect player input. Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Tweaked enemy and friendly AI to be more aggressive and responsive. Modified campaign difficulty to account for improved AI responsiveness. Improved enemy collision detection regarding doors and Power Loader. Players will no longer bleed out immediately when downed in a Power Loader.


Increased duration of Lurker Pounce Challenge "Cat-Like Reflexes" from 10 to 20 seconds. Fixed issue where certain multiplayer challenges would not unlock properly for all characters. Crusher pick-ups now correctly appear as highlighted for clients.




Added additional safeguards to better protect save data. Resolved an issue where a player's level could sometimes appear incorrect when backing out of a party. Addressed several scenarios under which players could spawn without a weapon. Changes to better prevent audio from sometimes cutting out during end of mission cinematics. Fixed issue where Xeno death animation was not properly calculating momentum of the killing blow. Smart Gun animation now properly tracks targets. Addressed some instances where Xenos would display erratic animations. Increased light radius for player's shoulder lamp. Adjusted aim assist to better reflect player input. Miscellaneous bug fixes.


Tweaked enemy and friendly AI to be more aggressive and responsive. Modified campaign difficulty to account for improved AI responsiveness. Improved enemy collision detection regarding doors and Power Loader. Players will no longer bleed out immediately when downed in a Power Loader.


Increased duration of Lurker Pounce Challenge "Cat-Like Reflexes" from 10 to 20 seconds. Fixed issue where certain multiplayer challenges would not unlock properly for all characters. Crusher pick-ups now correctly appear as highlighted for clients.


Furthermore, Gearbox stated at their PAX East panel this past weekend that they will be issuing other patches in the future; Gearbox’s attempt at helping to remedy their game’s lack of polish. Community Manager, Chris Faylor, talked about the most prominent changes for us to look out for, such as:


The aggressiveness of the AI Altered difficulty Improved protection of game data Additional combat feedback for things, such as Xenomorph death animations and Smart Gun tracking. Better visuals for the PC Online support for Hot Fixes

Hopefully these future changes will show gamers that Gearbox is committed to improving on Aliens: Colonial Marines as much as humanly possible and will avoid making the same mistakes in the future.