Due to major changes in the core game engine, DayZ, the mega-popular, zombie apocalypse mod of ARMA II will be pushed back until 2013.
]]>Normally when we talk about adding a ridiculous amount of players to a co-op game, it doesn't quite work out like we hoped. The same can't be said for the military tactical game ArmA 2. There's a mod in the works that is being dubbed as the "Headless AI Client" and it's allowing for some truly impressive battles to take place featuring dozens, even hundreds, of players with realistic and intelligent AI while still maintaining solid frame rates.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/9325/arma-2-mod-allows-for-100-player-co-op.htmlIt seems like every other day we're writing about another premium game going Free to Play or offering a free to play mode. Today we have the tactical PC war game Arma 2 adding itself to the list.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/6389/bohemia-interactive-launches-free-to-play-version-of-arma-2.htmlEver have that itch to contract out? To be the master of your own destiny, and servant of none? To cause mayhem, death, and destruction in the name of the almighty dollar?
The folks at Bohemia Interactive aren't resting on their laurels when it comes to ArmA 2. In what seems like a response to yesterday's DLC release for Operation Flashpoint 2 comes the release of the 1.05 patch for ArmA 2.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/3176/arma-ii-patch-1-05-fixes-bugs-adds-free-campaign.htmlThe boys at Bohemia Interactive have announced an expansion pack for the four player co-op game ArmA II called Operation Arrowhead. The expansion is set in the hilly regions of Asia, Arrowhead takes place three years after the events of Chernarus. There's no other detail regarding new weapons or vehicles, but with a current roster of a few hundred, what's a few dozen more?
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/2376/arma-ii-operation-arrowhead-expansion-announced.htmlIt's figures, one day after we post our ArmA II review - Bohemia Interactive releases a new patch for the game. Players can download the patch from the official website, and Steam users will get auto updated.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/2326/arma-ii-1-03-patch-released.htmlMilitary Sims, true Military Sims, are a rarity these days. Instead we've grown used to the likes of Ghost Recon. That's not a knock on Ghost Recon, it's just a true hardcore sim is hard to come by. Enter ArmA 2 for the PC, the latest co-op military sim from Bohemia Interactive. Perhaps there's a reason these sims are a rarity? Or perhaps we just don't know what we are missing.
While the main part of ArmA 2 can be played cooperatively, there's a whole other aspect to the game that allows players to customize the battlefield by scripting their own missions. You may have seen some of the insane videos we've posted - all of them were created with the game's mission editor.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/2195/create-your-own-co-op-missions-in-arma-2.htmlAfter watching the following video it's fairly obvious that the soldiers in ArmA II don't like vegetables. Or they really want meat. Perhaps they just have a thing against the bovine nation.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/2163/arma-ii-vs-a-cow-hint-the-cow-loses.htmlArmA 2 is available on Steam today, and the very co-op friendly game is already getting fairly solid praises. While the game sports a robust single player and co-op campaign, as well as plenty of online options - it's the mission editor of ArmA 2 that's getting a lot of attention.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/2101/insane-arma-2-air-battle-fills-the-sky-with-fire.htmlIf you're looking to enter massive cooperative battles against thousands of soldiers, well then, you won't have to wait much longer. Bohemia Interactive and Got Game Entertainment have announced their partnership for the North American release of Arma II on the PC.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/2069/arma-ii-gets-us-retail-release-date-and-publisher.html