The third entry in the stealth action series was the first title to feature a co-op mode, "Wolf Pack." Much as with the series as a whole, this idea would be iterated upon over the course of the next several games, but the original version is still a pretty fun romp. Team up with three other players to attempt a series of stealthy tasks. The better you fare, the more points, XP, and gear you acquire. It's a lot easier than it sounds, especially once you're a few rounds in and you have to be very careful about not getting spotted by guards.
]]>Advertised with the release of Assassin's Creed III was a very special DLC package that featured American President George Washington in a sinister fashion. Appropriately named "The Tyranny of King Washington," the content is to be centered around an alternate tale of the American Revolution featuring George Washington as a power hungry monarch. Part one of the three-part DLC is set to be released for the Xbox 360 and PC next week on February 19th, with the Playstation 3 version to be available the following day.
]]> of the fall's more anticipated AAA titles was the third, and final (for this story line, at least), entry in the Assassin's Creed series. At long last everything would be revealed/resolved. The whole sordid purpose behind the Templar's schemes. Why Desmond's ancestors were so important. Why Desmond has father issues. Why there was this whole futuristic doomsday plot in the first place. Ok, so not everything was clear. At least it ended, right? Even if you weren't all that into the game's story/premise, there was still plenty there to enjoy. Like the newly added "Wolfpack" co-op mode, which was one of the highlights for us. Good news arrives today as new maps and new playable characters will be available via the "Battle Hardened" DLC pack, slated to hit the Xbox tomorrow, Jan. 8. PS3 owner's can pick up the new content Wednesday, Jan. 9 and, last but not least, it will go up for PC players next Tuesday, Jan. 15.
]]> you want more cooperative play in the next Assassin's Creed? Ubisoft wants to know. According to The Gaming Liberty, Ubisoft has been circulating a survey asking questions about overall satisfaction with Assassin's Creed 3 and what new features customers would like to see in the series. The survey isn't available for the public, or else I'd kindly link you to it.
]]> you're looking to snag the latest iteration of Assassin's Creed 3, the first one to include a full fledged co-op mode, and you don't want to spend a lot - look no further than Amazon's Deal of the Day today. The normally priced $60 title is on sale for just $33 until the end of the day.
]]> now and then I post a review, hop on over to Metacritic, and wonder what the hell everyone else was playing. Assassin's Creed 3 was one such review. There are a lot of stellar scores for Assassin's Creed 3 on Metacritic. Man, I wish they had their version of the game. Because my version is scheduled to be patched "by the end of next week."
]]> have questions about Assassin's Creed 3's co-op mode. We have answers.
We're fast approaching the release date of Assassin's Creed 3, the next game in the series which takes place during the American Revolutionary War. After many, many rumors we finally got confirmation of co-op for the game, though it's a separate mode called Wolfpack. But confirmation was all we had and we haven't heard much else since. Now with the October 30th release date just two weeks away, we've got a few more details to share - including a new multiplayer video.
]]> has been revealed that co-op has finally come to Assassin's Creed 3. The new mode dubbed 'Wolf Pack' will feature four player co-op that will have your team taking down NPC targets. This is a first for the franchise and we are definitely excited to be running as a group rather than a one man wolf pack.
]]>'s Creed 3 was revealed this week, the first true sequel to the series since being introduced Ezio back in Assassin's Creed 2. The new game is set during a setting rarely touched in video games - The American Revolution.
]]> wants to know what you want in Assassin's Creed 3. Well, not you, but gamers like you. In a survey conducted by Global Market Insite (which may be the most evil-sounding marketing company, ever ) a host of features were inquired upon. The questions ranged from such topics as the plot, setting, new characters, and even a crafting system. There are also questions about customization in for the multiplayer modes, a la super franchise Call of Duty.