Wotwot, By Jove and Tally Ho! It is so rare nowadays that I get to trot out my Gentlemen English. The type of language that our brave boys used to use when flying in the Great Wars; a cigarette in one hand, a glass of sherry in the other and still enough skill to shoot down the enemy using only their thighs to steer. You can relive this experience in the upcoming Birds of Steel. A new website has launched for the game, along with some new screenshots.
]]>World War 2, remember that? There used to be a few games based on the historical war. Just when you thought the industry was done with it Konami decides to buck the trend. Today they've announced Birds of Steel - a WW2 flight simulator for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The game is being developed by Gaijin Entertainment - who put out the recent co-op game Apache: Air Assault.
]]> https://www.co-optimus.com/article/6120/konami-announces-birds-of-steel.html