Co-Optimus Feed for Co-Op videogame news for .Conan Unconquered A custom RSS feed on co-op gaming for: Co-Op videogame news for .Conan Unconquered en-us Conan Unconquered Stream Recap and ImpressionsJason Love

The biggest factor contributing to your success/failure in Conan Unconquered is not your actions-per-minute (you can pause at any time and queue things up), but rather your ability to manage resources, of which there are two types: flat and generated. Flat resources (thralls, command points, food, souls) are very limited that are "one and done." When you construct a building that generates these types of resources (such as a "hunter shack" for food), that's all you'll get from that building. Once you spend it, either by generating units or as a cost for another building, you don't get it back.

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New Video Explains Conan Unconquered's Co-OpEnoch Starnes

Luckily, I won't be journeying into this barbaric world alone, as Conan Unconquered's two player online co-op will let me drag a friend along for the ride.  In a recent multiplayer-focused video, the folks over at Petroglyph spoke briefly on what exactly the game's co-op entails, as well as the reasoning behind some of their decisions.

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]]> Conan Unconquered Arrives Later This Month With a Co-Op ModeJason Love

Petroglyph has a history of RTS titles - they did all those 8-Bit titles and Grey Goo - which makes sense as it's a company comprised of developers that previously worked on Command & Conquer. Not only do they "have the RTS chops," but they specifically have the co-op RTS chops, which is good news. As a "survival" RTS, there's a slightly different bent on this game over their previous ones. Instead of building a huge army to stomp another one, you're trying to defend a single base (stronghold) against an unyielding tide of foes. Not only will you have to defeat any and all enemies that come your way, you'll also have to do a little city management as you create new buildings, stop the spread of fires, and combat the disease that can spread by bodies left on the battlefield (yuk).

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