Co-Optimus Feed for Co-Op videogame news for .Disney•Pixar Brave A custom RSS feed on co-op gaming for: Co-Op videogame news for .Disney•Pixar Brave en-us Games With Gold March 2018Matthew Squaire

For the other games, Super Hot, Trials of the Blood Dragon, and Quantum Conundrum are all free. Further, both Brave and Quantum Conundrum are available for Xbox 360 and with this they are also becoming Backwards Compatible on Xbox One. So no matter if you’re playing in the current generation or generations past, you can have some Pixar-fueled Co-Op fun.

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Are You Brave Enough to Watch this Trailer? (Probably)Sam Tyler

At Co-Optimus we like to cater for all tastes, so for every ten headshot heavy, gun blasting violence-athons, we throw in a family friendly title.  Brave: The Video Game is one such family affair; due alongside the Pixar film on July 24th across PS3, 360, PC and Wii (27th in the UK).  The new trailer features gameplay, of the solo variety, but also some bear action.  That is bear, as in furry mammal and not bare as in nude.  If you want that sort of thing please read an article on one of the more adult games - try Catherine.

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]]> Brave: The Video Game comes out FightingSam Tyler

I'm a person of a certain age and should have grown out of cartoons by now, but when these cartoons are made by Pixar I can't help but get excited.  Pixar films are invariably great *cough* not Cars 2 *cough* and they often come with tie in video games.  This is the case with Brave: The Video Game, which will follow the co-op trend of Up and Toy Story 3.

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