Currently going by the name of “Hyrule Warriors” (not the official title), this game will be a crossover of the Legend of Zelda AND Dynasty Warrior series’ into one, beautiful concept. Revealed in the latest Nintendo Direct showcased earlier this morning, Satoru Iwata explained the team up between themselves and Tecmo Koei will appear on the Wii U sometime in 2014.This seemingly aims to be one of the most combat driven Zelda games I’ve ever seen, if not the most combat driven. The game’s trailer below hardly disappoints:
]]>Good tidings come from ancient China to those who love a good hack-n'-slash. Everyone's favorite Chinese mob masher will return with the next exciting entry titled Dynasty Warriors 8. As we inch closer to the Japanese February 28th release date, Famitsu has recently confirmed six playable characters, and "on-off" two-player co-op. What this means exactly is not clear. It may refer to a combination of offline and online co-op, or drop-in and drop-out co-op.
]]> Warriors 8 was recently announced, an inevitability of which I'm sure no one disputes. So far, the game has only been announced for the PS3, and while a Co-Op Story Mode is expected, there's no word yet on how many players will be able to play together, and if the co-op is online, offline, or both.