Introducing Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, coming in 2015 to PS4, at least in Japan. This is something of an enhanced version of EDF 2025, fixing some of the issues and adding one big new element.
]]>Titled "Beyond Despair," this downloadable pack comes in at $8.99 and concludes the EDF 2025 story. The time has come to finally squelch the Ravagers once and for all, and save the earth from the hideous insect invasion. New weapons and new baddies appear on the scene for you and your posse to collect and/or blow holes into.
The content features five missions with tons of bugs to crush. "Exploration" sends you to mountainous terrain where you must destroy a tunnel that creatures are emerging from. "Giant's Advance" pits you against a unit of Hectors with particle steam cannons. The "Citadel" and "Silver Camp" missions have you battling creatures in the harbor area, while "Floating Fleet" puts you against alien ships.
Earth Defense Force 2025 (360, PS3) - EDF! EDF! It started as a game that charmed us by its B movie qualities and have exploded into a fully fledge franchise about killing aliens (bugs and robots) bigger than buildings. [4 player couch co-op, 4 player online co-op, combo co-op]
]]> order to get everybody pumped for the February 21st release for Earth Defense Force 2025, D3 Studios has put out a launch trailer / news report / recruitment ad.
]]> Defense Force 2025 drops with the Special Ops bundle, adding five new missions. If one opts to get the vanilla version, the Special Ops DLC will be available at launch for $2.99. The second DLC, Mutant Rampage, drops on February 25th. It adds 20 new missions and retails for $8.99. The final piece of DLC, Beyond Despair, hits March 11, adding another 20 new missions and running for $8.99.
This particular trailer shows the new Fencer class. These heavy hitting armored troops possess enough firepower to make the Death Star look like a particularly sandy beach ball. Check it out.
Like with so many modern pre-order incentives, what you receive will depend on which shop you purchase the game from. PlayStation Blog have revealed what extras you are going to get for the PS3 version of the game when buying it from GameStop, but expect the 360 version of the game to hold similar goodies:
]]> third person shooter pits mankind's last hope, the Earth Defense Force, against the invading alien hordes of the evil Ravagers. It looks as awesome as ever. Ok, "awesome" might not be the right word. It looks more like it will be absurdly entertaining. Or horrible. Probably both. Screw you; I like these games.
I got the chance to play some great games at E3 this year. I'm not going to lie - it's pretty awesome to get a early little hands-on time with some of my most anticipate cooperative titles. One of those games was the third-person sci-fi shooter, Earth Defense Force 2025. Players must defend mankind from armies of giant insects and massive robots. Part of the fun is destroying your own city while trying to eradicate the Ravager menace. It's just easier to shoot bugs when those pesky buildings are out of the way.
]]> ahead. Get it out of your system now. Do the chant. I'll wait. Done? Good.