Co-Optimus: Before we get into the nitty-gritty details of things, could you let our audience know a little bit about you and Inkbound?
]]>The basic gameplay loop of Inkbound is similar to other roguelites; choose a class to play, go on a "run" where you'll engage in a number of turn-based combat scenarios before facing a final boss, rinse and repeat. There are a total of six playable classes in the game, three of which are available at the start and the other three are unlocked as you go on runs and complete quests. Each run will play out differently as you choose which zones to tackle (you pick each time) before you reach the final area with the final boss, and each zone lets you pick your path through it. There are events, vendors, and battles with which to engage, each of which offers different rewards and ways to make a build for that run. Maybe you're going for a high damage crit build, or instead focusing on damage-over-time effects; whichever the case may be, you'll have a variety of ways to enhance your innate abilities with new effects, gain new abilities, and acquire new passive powers via "vestiges." If you've played a roguelite game in the past couple years, this will all seem old hat; if you haven't played one, Inkbound makes for a good first entry, especially with "The Starship of Terrors" update.