Co-Optimus Feed for Co-Op videogame news for .Outriders A custom RSS feed on co-op gaming for: Co-Op videogame news for .Outriders en-us Outriders Co-Op Stream Recap and ImpressionsNick Puleo

From the get go, I just couldn't get into Outriders. Something about the feel of the game just didn't connect. Shooting was too loose, abilities lacked punch, and enemies felt lifeless. Pile on top a story that can't decide if it's campy or serious and you are left with a very weak carrot for the loot based shooter's stick.

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Outriders 101 Trailer Sets the Stage for the Game's ReleaseNick Puleo

Publisher Square-Enix have put out a brand new 6 minute video that showcases numerous aspects of the game. It gives the entire backstory and sets the stage for what you'll be doing as an Outrider. The video also covers the game's four distinct classes and what makes them different, as well as how they aid each other in co-op play.

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]]> Outriders Co-Op Demo Impressions and Stream RecapNick Puleo

It's hard not to draw comparisons to The Division with Outriders, but there's definitely a lot of the same feel with the game. In fact, I can remember early impressions with the Division feeling eerily similar - just that there's an overall disconnect with what's going on with the game and its mechanics to feedback to the player. In its current state Outriders just feels off. It has all the pieces of the puzzle but their edges are extremely jaggy.

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]]> Outriders PC Specs Videos Lays it all OutNick Puleo

A press release from publisher Square-Enix mentions the game is really targeting options so that players can maintain a consistent 60FPS. If the video is any indicator, there's plenty of things to choose from and tweak - everything from FOV to dynamic resolution support.

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]]> Outriders Delayed until April, Demo Coming InsteadNick Puleo

The demo promises to offer the first few hours of the single player or co-op experience along with the capability to bring your character's progress into the full game upon release. Outriders new release date is now April 1st, 2021.

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]]> [E3 2019] - People Can Fly's Next Game is Outriders, A Co-Op ShooterJason Love

What little we know about this game is that Earth is doomed (of course) and so different expeditions have been sent out to try and find a new place to live. One such place is a world called Enoch (hey, I know that guy!) The ship sent to investigate the planet further crashes and, well, things don't look very good there.

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