Co-Optimus Feed for Co-Op videogame news for .Running with Rifles A custom RSS feed on co-op gaming for: Co-Op videogame news for .Running with Rifles en-us Pacific DLC Arrives Next Week for Running with RiflesJason Love

Choose to play as either the U.S. Marine Corps or the Imperial Japanese Army as you battle across seven different islands that were key to the Pacific campaign during World War II. When you're done playing through the campaign with your friends, you can hop into any one of the new maps to enjoy some old fashioned "comp stomping." The DLC also adds new vehicles, like the Stuart light tank, as well as new weapons, such as Flamethrowers and katanas.

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Running with Rifles Video ReviewJason Love

Running with Rifles is a game that is perhaps a little too old school in its ideology. The method by which you have to setup a co-op match alone makes me feel like I should be using a 56k modem. Anton penned our written co-op review, but he also shared a few thoughts in video format, including a helpful "how to setup a co-op match" s...

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]]> Running With Rifles Co-Op ReviewGuest Author:

Running With Rifles is a curious game is a little hard to describe accurately. You play the game from a top-down view, moving a little soldier around with the keyboard, and aiming using a mouse-controlled reticule. From that description and the name, you might think this is a twin stick shooter, but it's not....

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]]> Running with Rifles Dashes to Steam Early AccessJohn Bardinelli

Running with Rifles is the kind of game that you think you know how to play, but after you die a dozen times in a row you'll realize it's not actually about running around with rifles. Well, it is, but only as a means of getting from one point to another. This ain't no arcade game! Teams of soldiers head through the battlefield to take control of certain points on the map. Climb across barriers, smash open supply crates, hit the dirt for extra cover, then lay down some distraction fire while your buddies take a jeep up and around for a surprise assault. There's no health bar, and you can't take too much punishment before kicking the bucket. Sit back, look before you shoot, and remember how awesome hand grenades can be.

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