Co-Optimus Feed for Co-Op videogame news for .Space Food Truck A custom RSS feed on co-op gaming for: Co-Op videogame news for .Space Food Truck en-us Space Food Trucks Ramps Up The Difficulty In First UpdateEnoch Starnes

For some of Space Food Truck's players, the above scenario was just a tad too easy.  "Yawn," they said, "if you're going to send us on a sci-fi culinary adventure, One Man Left Studios, at least make us sweat a little along the way."  And thus, the game's first update was born.  

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Co-Op Card Game Space Food Truck Out of Early AccessJason Love

Mike, Nick, and I previously looked at the game during one of our regular Monday night streams and enjoyed our time with it, even though we failed to cook anything. When we spoke with the developers about the difficulty curve, it sounded like we weren't the only ones struggling and they have since implemented three difficulties into the game: Mild, Medium, and Thai Hot. That should definitely help new players get more acclimated to everything before having to deal with space meteors, narcoleptic captains, and aliens crawling through the vents every turn.

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]]> Indie-Ana Co-Op and the Space Food Truck InterviewJason Love

One Man Left Studios began its journey into the realm of video game development with mobile games. With Space Food Truck, the two-man team looks to shift to the PC and delve into the world of deckbuilding titles. We spoke with Adam Stewart and Alex Okafor about their latest title, balancing difficulty, and what's the most important pi...

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]]> Space Food Truck Stream Recap - A Co-Op Deck Building Roguelike Nick Puleo

Players control the Engineer, Chef, Scientist or Captain as they travel the galaxy looking for exotic ingredients to complete recipes in the Space Food Truck and deliver them to three locations. With each planetary jump an event will occur and players will be restocked with cards. Each player then takes a turn playing cards, adding new cards to their deck, and planning the next course of action.

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]]> Space Food Truck Now Available on Early AccessJason Love

The title arrived on Steam Early Access yesterday and I've had a chance to give it a little bit of a spin as any game that utilizes deck-building mechanics is a strong pull for me. Like many games of this ilk, each card has two values on it: a cost and a power. Power is used to avoid interstellar disasters (like the captain falling asleep at the wheel) as well as being used in conjunction with other cards to trigger an effect, such as making repairs to the ship. At the end of each player's turn, they may buy a card from the friendly "Zapmart" based on the total amount of cost on each of that player's cards either in play or in his/her hand. There's an interesting balance you need to strike with how much power/cost you have in your deck - the game actually include a stats meter for your deck to tell you your average - and how much you have to balance that among all the players.

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