Co-Optimus Feed for Co-Op videogame news for .Tokyo Jungle A custom RSS feed on co-op gaming for: Co-Op videogame news for .Tokyo Jungle en-us Enjoy Co-Op Corgis For Free This Month in Tokyo JungleJason Love

Outside of Tokyo Jungle, there's Until Dawn and Telltale's Game of Thrones series on the PlayStation 4. While not co-op games, adventure games can be fun to play through with a friend as you try to decide what to do when faced with a choice. Though I suppose making choices in Game of Thrones is a little less satisfying when the end result for that series always seems to be "everyone dies." Rounding things out, Don't Die, Mr. Robot (which is cross-buy with the PS4) and Element4l are free on the PS Vita, and Darkstalkers Resurrection is also free on the Playstation 3.

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Best of PlayStation Network, Vol 1 Offers a Retail Option For Sony's Digital FinestAndrew Gaskill

Contrary to the beliefs of some multi-billion dollar corporations, some people still play games offline. They may not have an internet connection, but they still have taste. Heck, they may even have an internet connection, but maybe they simply don't want to pipe their personal information into the enigmatic labyrinth of tubes and "security" measures that makes up online stores.

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]]> Best of PSN Bundle to Include Tokyo Jungle, Fat PrincessJohn Bardinelli

Looks like Sony is getting ready to bundle together PSN games and release them as a series of small collections! Secretive journalist types recently took a peek at ESRB listings and noticed a Best of PlayStation Network Volume 1 in the mix. Sneaky, right?

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]]> Four New Animals Come to Tokyo JungleAndrew Gaskill

Is your Tokyo Jungle roster missing something? If you've been playing the quirky little brawler/survival game you've probably noticed the five locked animals toward the bottom of the character select screen. (Okay, there are many, many locked animals when your first start the game, but five of the animals are trapped behind red colored locks.) The Giraffe, Crocodile, Panda, Kangaroo, and Sabertooth have been taunting me for two weeks. Today, four of these five creatures are available for purchase from the PlayStation Store.

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]]> Tokyo Jungle Out Now, Survive With a FriendAndrew Gaskill

Tokyo Jungle arrived on the PlayStation Network yesterday. I picked it up out of curiosity, having heard that I would get a chance to fight a lion with a toy dog, or some such nonsense. As I was cruising the menus I was surprised to see a local co-op mode. The game has been out for a spell in Japan, so it’s no big secret. We missed it though, sorry. 

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