by Nick Puleo 10

Our Weekend in Gaming

Many of us are still recovering from New Years.  That means it's a perfect weekend to do nothing but game.  In fact the staff will be having their semi-bi-monthly staff co-op night tomorrow.

by Marc Allie 2

IP Owners Tell LittleBigPlanet Devs "Please Whitelist Us"

LittleBigPlanet was one of the most highly hyped titles for the PS3 in 2008.  The appeal of adorable little sackboys, co-op play, and robust creation tools should have made for a smash hit.  Instead, the title was plagued by mishaps, like the music controversy, excessive lag in online play, and unclear guidelines for moderation of user generated content.  It's still a fine game, but it's star certainly isn't shining as bright as Sony and MediaMolecule had hoped.

by Jim McLaughlin 8
  • playstation 3
  • xbox 360
  • couch
  • online

Lord of the Rings: Conquest Demo Now Available

Ever since our in-depth preview that included some hands-on time by Mike, our hopes have been high for Lord of the Rings: Conquest. Even though Pandemic apparently removed two players from the four-player co-op campaign, Pandemic's last two battlefield-style outings -- Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefront II) -- allowed enough AI on the playing field at one time that players could band together and play multiplayer matches as co-op partners. Conquest looks like it will be no different: the Live page for the game indicates that up to four players can play splitscreen.

by Nick Puleo 8

Happy New Year

We just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy New Year.  2008 was a great year for and cooperative gaming, and we are even more excited about 2009! 

by Nick Puleo 0

December Co-Op Monthly Round-up

Here is the final roundup for 2008.  Despite December being somewhat of a slow month we put out a slew of great content for everyone.  Be sure to check out some of the links below to see what you may have missed!

by Marc Allie 3
  • couch
  • online

White Knight Chronicles Information Extravaganza

I've been in love with White Knight Chronicles since I first heard of it.  Now that the game has launched in Japan, we can read some actual, hands-on experiences from those who have played the game.  1UP's preview is especially detailed.  It appears that the main story mode, featuring the enormous robotic warrior we've seen so much of, is just half the experience.  The remainder will be the 4 player online co-op mode.  While playing online, your avatar is the main story mode's character's companion.  You have full control of creating this characters look in the robust creation tools.  All in all, the game plays much like an MMO.

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