Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising

  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Operation Flashpoint 2 "Military Kit" Contest
Contest by

Operation Flashpoint 2 "Military Kit" Contest

A few weeks back Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising was released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.  The four player co-op game received a solid review from us and seems to be pretty well enjoyed amongst the Co-Optimus community.

Today we have a special contest where you can win the above Military Kit Prize pack.  Included in the kit are:

  • 1 Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Messenger Bag
  • 1 Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Canteen
  • 1 Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising T-Shirt
  • 1 Game Map
  • 1 Basic Tactics Guide

How do you win?  With a good old fashioned caption contest!

Caption the above picture and leave it below in the comments...OR... you could send us the caption via Twitter.  All you need to do is format the message like this:

@cooptimus 'My funny and witty caption goes here.' #OF2DR_CONTEST

 We have 5 of these packs to giveaway, and you must be a North American resident to win.  Winners will be drawn and notified on November 18th.  Good luck!

But wait...there's more!


There's another contest going on right now over at intelofpdrcontest.com to win a sweet gaming rig just by creating a custom mission in Operation Flashpoint 2 on the PC.


Create your mission with the Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising mission editor, share it with the community, and win a Limited Edition Design by Invasion® Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising desktop PC equipped with Intel®Core™i7-960 processorIntel®Core™i7-860 processors, and some Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising collector goodies !

 Details of that contest can be found on the official page.  Good luck!

