Tomorrow morning, we're all starting our 25 hour Extra Life marathon. We're half way to our team goal of $2,500, and we need your help to go all the way. Please take a few minutes to read about our team members, and donate to Extra Life through one of their pages. Clicking on their names or picture will take you straight to their page.
I’ve always been great with kids, easily being able to relate to them through my lifelong passion for playing video games. Luckily, I was given the opportunity to participate in the Extra Life event last year and saw it as the perfect chance to test my stamina as a gamer. Little did I know, my true love of the event came from helping to raise money for children at my local hospital. Extra Life showed me just how rewarding it is to raise money for another person’s well being, especially when it involves something you love to do. I hope to take part in the event for years to come and inspire more of my friends and family to participate in the process!

I'm participating in Extra Life in honor of my nephew Corbin. When he was just a few weeks old, he got very sick and was taken to Children's Hospital in St. Louis. Because of the excellent treatment from the staff there, Corbin came home healthy and is doing great ever since. Though I am thankful Corbin recovered, and his stay was relatively short, I am always mindful of the other kids who were there. I can only imagine part of what they are going through, and if I can help make their hospital stay a bit brighter, I feel compelled to do what I can.

The reason why I want to do Extra life is really simple, I am a parent so I know what my kids mean to me and what I would sacrifice for them. I love this charity because it allows me to do what I love for children less fortunate than mine, to be able to turn my hobby into something useful is just amazing and really shows a side of gamers that most people have never seen.

Hi name is Seth Allen. I work as a Custodian at Cetronia Elementary for Parkland School District. I've been married for a year now and don't plan on stopping that. My love for games has no limit. I've been playing games ever since I was born and probably will never stop. I've joined Extra Life for many of the same reasons most people attending are, but the main reason I am participating in this event is to give back and provide a bright and shining future for the sick and dying children. It's a way I can do something I love and turn it into a truly life-giving experience. I am proud to know that all of my donations included everyone else's, are going to provide life-changing opportunities for further generations to come. I'm glad to be on a good team like Co-Optimus, gaming for the same/personal reasons. Let's save some kids!!

As the Community Manager at Co-Optimus and the team leader of our Extra Life team, I take pride in every member on our team, and every dollar we bring in for CMN hospitals. My passion for CMN hospitals began in 2006 when my daughter, Payton, was born just shy of 24 weeks. That’s three and a half months early. Her chances of survival were slim, but the amazing staff at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin saved her life. Under their care, she grew from under two pounds, to over five pounds. I see Extra Life as a way for me to give back to these miracle makers, and make sure other kids have a fighting chance too. I'm very thankful that my position at Co-Optimus enables me to organize an awesome team to help me do that.
Rounding out our team, we have Zachery Schwarz, Heath Johnson, Cody Oaks, and Jeremy Homyard. For more information on our participation in the event, check out our Extra Life 2013 page. Good luck to all participants (regardless of what team you're on), and thanks to all the donors!