Sniper Elite 3

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Sniper Elite 3 Has this New Gameplay Trailer in its Sights
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Sniper Elite 3 Has this New Gameplay Trailer in its Sights

Head shots all round!

That tickling sensation at the back of your neck could be the feeling that someone is watching you.  Hopefully, it is not a highly trained sniper as found in this new gameplay trailer for the upcoming 2 player online co-op title Sniper Elite 3.

Developers Rebellion have been very forthcoming with new footage for the third outing in their popular and gory shooter series.  We have already seen a Development Diary about how the co-op will work and a video highlighting how to take a tank out in the game.

This latest trailer is a little more simple and brings the main aspect of any game to the fore - the gameplay.  Watch in wonder at almost 5 minutes of footage, including all the gratuitous headshots and x-ray based shenanigans you could wish for.

Sniper Elite 3 is planned for release in early July on PS3, PS4, 360, One and PC.

