Halo: Combat Evolved

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Halo: The Master Chief Collection Rumored for Xbox One
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Halo: The Master Chief Collection Rumored for Xbox One

Get ready to wade through 4 games worth of grunts.

Are you longing to relive the magic of those original Halo games, yet your cherished copies were stolen by wolves, or some other woodland creature? Weep not, friends. Rumors have it that you'll be able to once again experience the delight of mowing down thousands of Covenant as your favorite seven foot tall space marine and his freaky alien buddy in glorious current gen graphics.

While not yet confirmed by Microsoft, Halo: The Master Chief Collection may be coming soon to Xbox Ones. The game includes all games featuring Master Chief himself, being Halo: Combat EvolvedHalo 2Halo 3, and 343 Studio's own Halo 4, because why not. Absent from the list are Halo: ODST and Halo Reach, probably because instead of the stoic Master Chief, they featured a bunch of scrubs in armor. All previous titles will be up-rezzed with an all new graphics engine, similar to the treatment the original Halo received for Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. Seeing as how online co-op finally made it into Combat Evolved in this edition, Halo 2 might get the same treatment as well.

A gift for fans of the franchise, or a devious marketing ploy? We already know Halo 5 is set for 2015. What better way to reaffirm your love for Mr. Chief than by letting you play through all of the old games? If you're a huge Chief fan, this might be some quality incentive to snatch up a brand new Xbox One.

