Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
F.A.L.C.O. Episodes 1 And 2 Available For Your Viewing Pleasure
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F.A.L.C.O. Episodes 1 And 2 Available For Your Viewing Pleasure

Friday Awesomely Live Co-Op is awesome and live on Fridays!

We've kicked off a new series of streams on our Twitch channel called Friday Awesomely Live Co-Op or F.A.L.C.O. if pronounceable acronyms are your thing. For now, we're playing every Friday night at 9PM Central, although we may adjust times as needed. We'll play a variety of games but we'll be focusing on games that emphasize co-operation.

The stars of F.A.L.C.O. are justabaldguy, BobbyThumbs, and smurphster (yours truly). We're just three dads (our kids may occasionally make an appearance) who love co-op games and want to share some of our co-op gaming experiences with you. Nothing fancy going on here, just good ol' fashioned co-op magic.

We started off a couple weeks ago playing Monaco. We beat the last two missions of the Pickpocket's Story. If you're familiar with the game, you know those two missions are a challenge! After a lot of hiding in bushes and a few close calls, we did it, we beat both missions. We started off with Au Revoir, and after beating it, we moved on to Identity (jump to 33:26). Caution: There are mild spoilers in the second mission!

Last week we took on FORCED. We pushed through Trials 9 thru 11 and hit a brick wall on Trial 12. Better luck next time, maybe. Trial 9 - Revenge was a cinch but we didn't manage to beat the time or challenge. Trial 10 - Speed or Caution (4:50) stumped us for a while but we figured it out. Trial 11 - Run for Cover (19:45) really gave us trouble but we managed a successful run eventually (32:20). We even got 3 crystals on that run! We weren't able to beat Trial 12 - The Warlock (35:21), but you can watch us fail continuously if you'd like.

If you like what you see, make sure to check us out live on Friday nights at 9PM Central on our Twitch channel. Don't forget to log in to Twitch and chat with us. We'll keep an eye on the chat window and respond to any comments or questions. We'll see you tomorrow!

