Killing Floor 2

  • Online Co-Op: 6 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Killing Floor 2 Update Officially Available, Check It Out For Free This Weekend
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Killing Floor 2 Update Officially Available, Check It Out For Free This Weekend

Barbecue and British zombie extermination, a thoroughly American experience.

The relaxation of Labor Day Weekend is nearly upon us, and with it comes the latest update to the decidedly un-relaxing Killing Floor 2.  Unless, that is, you find zombie dismemberment relaxing.  Look, Co-optimus is a judgement-free zone.  Some people need a quiet room and meditation, others need to rip the arms off legions of the undead.

Along with the "Incinerate 'N Detonate" content pack, Tripwire is allowing you and five friends to experience the game for free starting tomorrow, September 3rd, and ending on September 6th.  It's well worth trying to work in a round or two in between sessions of "how many ribs can I fit inside of me at once".

You can find a list of all the new content here, but the real highlights are the two new classes (Firebug and Demolitions) and two new maps (Evacuation Point and Catacombs).  To celebrate the pack's official release, Tripwire has put together a fancy ol' infographic showing off some tidbits about their flagship franchise.

I must say, I completely didn't notice the faux-movie posters scattered around Burning Paris (mostly because of, you know, all the chaos and explosions).  I'll be keeping an eye out for them in the future.

Tripwire's had a fairly smooth ride through Early Access thus far, partially due to their initial offering being a fully enjoyable, albeit content-lite, product.  Since then, they've steadily introduced more and more aspects to the game, including the new Nvidia PhysX Flex technology for extra ridiculous dismemberment.  The folks from Roswell, Georgia have been cagey about a specific release date, but we do know that the game will eventually see full release on both PlayStation 4 and PC.

