Dark Souls 3

  • Online Co-Op: 3 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Giant Birds, Knights, and Crabs in Dark Souls 3 Launch Trailer
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Giant Birds, Knights, and Crabs in Dark Souls 3 Launch Trailer

Some new voices heard in this video

While those of us in the U.S. and Europe have a couple more weeks to wait until we can dive into Dark Souls 3, but gamers in Japan only have to wait one more day. In anticipation of its release, the launch trailer was dropped yesterday and there are a few more voices chiming in here...

It's always a tough call to say what is or isn't spoilers with a Souls game, so for those of you who prefer to know as little as possible, thanks for coming this far, but you should probably turn back now and avoid the video. For everyone else, enjoy the spectacle!

Dark Souls 3 launches worldwide on April 12.

