Dark Souls 3

  • Online Co-Op: 3 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Dark Souls 3 Pre-Release Stream Recap
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Dark Souls 3 Pre-Release Stream Recap

It's time to die....again

The Souls series isn't stressful enough, so we decided to stream our copy of Dark Souls 3 from moment one. With the rest of the Co-Opticrew watching, I take a bit of a tour of the introductory areas, fight a boss, and try to make heads or tails of the new mechanics. I think this is how Nick would prefer to experience the game - by watching the rest of us screw up.

So far, Dark Souls 3 feels like a more refined version of what we've come to expect, except this time it seems to come with a heaping dose of series nostalgia. If this isn't your first rodeo, there are plenty of sights that should trigger familiar feelings. I'm enjoying it so far, and if the series is your thing, I think you will too.

Oh, and just so  you know? I can crush those stupid knights now.



