Yesterday, we held back a rumor about the fabled Army of Two sequel currently being developed. EA Montreal had posted a splash screen and absently included spoilers in the source file names. "Army of Two: TFD" was deduced by snopping gamers.
Today, a few details come from an anonymous tip at as neat as this info is, take it with the usual grain of salt.
Click "Read More" for the list...
- The game takes place in Shanghai, where a network of PMCs are looking to take over, under the rule of a leader with a hidden purpose
- Rios and Salem are back, however they've been reluctantly dragged into the conflict and don't have the full story
- The game will feature moral decisions, a deeper weapons customization system, multiple endings, and even a few followers
- Multiplayer will be outsourced yet again
- On the technical side: The 40th Day adds Beast lighting and Fracture, as well as an improved networking system
- Environmental interaction: some weapons will be capable of tearing through thin walls and obstacles in the game; and new AI scripts will improve your partner's realism (e.g., peeking through windows, taking out enemies silently, etc.)
- EA will be tossing civilians into the mix, which you can use as human shields
- 1st map is the introduction
- 2nd map is the invasion; with Rios and Salem escaping from a crumbling building
- 3rd map takes place in a zoo
- 4th map takes Rios and Salem to a hospital