Shank 2

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Shank 2 Was Added to Backwards Compatibility List
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Shank 2 Was Added to Backwards Compatibility List

Pointing out this is "old news"... that's a shanking

We're getting caught up on a few stories here and there, so apologies for the late posting. In case you missed Major Nelson's blog post last week, Shank 2 is the latest title to be added to the Xbox One Backwards Compatibility List.

Klei's follow-up to the original title was a little disappointing as the co-op campaign feature from the first was removed in favor of a co-op survival mode. That said, the game has a lot of style and is worth a play through again if you already own it. 

