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Astroneer Arriving on Xbox Games Preview in December
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Astroneer Arriving on Xbox Games Preview in December

System Era Softworks' Flagship Game to Release on Steam, Windows 10 Store and Xbox Preview

This December as we stress and clamber for the best gift to get our loved ones in true holiday spirit, System Era Softworks will be giving their own present to the world in the form of Astroneer: a space exploration-meets-Minecraft simulation game.

Astroneer combines elements of many genres including free-range landscape deformity, base-building and resource management. Players can traverse vast, procedurally-generated planets and uncover lost relics and secrets often buried within them.  Best of all, it supports online multiplayer for up to 4 players so you and your friends can explore and create to your heart's content.

While a firm release date has yet to be given (estimations are prior to December 20th) a price tag of $19.99 U.S.D. has been confirmed for it's maiden voyage.  



