While the Mario Party series is mainly known as a collection of competitive minigames where the winner is determined by random chance, the new Super Mario Party that's headed to the Nintendo Switch next month will include something new: a co-op mode. The recently revealed "River Survival Mode" lets you and three friends work together to navigate a river before time runs out.
Up to four local players can play this mode together using four Joy-Cons to paddle the raft down the river while avoiding obstacles and trying to steer towards the balloons that initiate a minigame. By completing those minigames, you add more time to the clock so you can progress even farther down the river. It looks like a neat addition to the series and a fun way to play the game with friends without competing.
You can check out the mode in action in the video below courtesy of the Nintendo Treehouse crew.
Super Mario Party will be available on the Nintendo Switch on October 5, 2018.