
  • Online Co-Op: 5 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 5 Players
  • + Co-Op Modes
Demigod has Gone Gold, Collector's Edition Detailed
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Demigod has Gone Gold, Collector's Edition Detailed

Stardock has sent word that their co-op-ish RTS Demigod has gone gold and will be available for download via their Impulse service and retailers on April 14th.

While we've been covering the game for some time, we've yet to see just how deep the co-op is.  If you've read our interview with Mike Marr of Gas Powered Games, you know it seems very team based, but there doesn't appear to be any story co-op.  That being said we haven't seen just how persistent the online Pantheon mode is, which may allow players to keep a stronger vested interest in the game for a more co-op feel.

Demigod will retail for $39.95 or you can get the above pictured collector's edition for $49.95.  You know you want that little Rook figure.

