Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Donate to Extra Life on Giving Tuesday
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Donate to Extra Life on Giving Tuesday

Haven't donated yet? Donate today!

On behalf of the Co-Optimus team, I'd like to extend a sincere thank you to everyone who participated or donated to Extra Life this year. Thus far we've raised over $13 million total for kids in Children's Miracle Network Hospitals! Our team has contributed $1,740, and there's still time to make an even bigger impact. In fact, today is a perfect day to donate!

In honor of Giving Tuesday, Facebook is matching the first $7 million donations made through Facebook fundraiser pages. Since you can now link a Facebook fundraiser to Extra Life pages, there are many Extra Life fundraisers available to donate to from Facebook. Just head over to Facebook Fundraisers and find an Extra Life fundraiser to donate to.

Unfortunately, there's still not a good way to find one of our team members' fundraisers on Facebook, so if you want to make sure you donate to our team, our team page and participant pages are still open until the end of the year. Stop by and throw us a donation!

