Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

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Odd King of Fighters Shooter Hybrid Coming with Co-Op to XBLA
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Odd King of Fighters Shooter Hybrid Coming with Co-Op to XBLA

The Xbox Live Arcade is the king of co-op SHMUP titles with games like Aegis Wing, Ikaruga, and R-Type.  So what's another one added to the mix?  This game looks pretty interesting as it's sort of a hybrid game from SNK mixing their popular King of Fighters characters with traditional SHMUP gameplay - crazy bullet fields and all.

The game is currently sporting the title King of Fighters: Sky Stage and from the screenshots appear to support at least two player co-op.  According to the article it should hit the Xbox Live Arcade sometime this year.  

Found via Kotaku

Source: Famitsu.com

