Join us for Extra Life 2022 on Nov 5th
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Join us for Extra Life 2022 on Nov 5th

If you need an excuse to play games all day... here you go.

On November 5th, Co-Optimus will be joining thousands of other gamers for a day full of gaming and fundraising for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Donations through Extra Life go straight to the participant’s chosen CMN hospital to help kids in need. You can help our cause by joining or donating! The Co-Optimus team is open to all co-op fans, and we’re always happy to have more teammates!

We've been participating in Extra Life for 11 years and have raised $22,007.75 in total! That's a good chunk of cash donated to help kids fighting illnesses, injuries, birth defects, and premature birth. The little ones need all the help they can get, so please consider joining or donating.

It’s easy to join! Just head to the Co-Optimus team page and click Join Our Team at the top. You’ll be asked to create an account, provide some basic information, then you’re off to the fundraising races. Share your fundraising page on all your social media feeds and don’t forget to ask your offline friends and family members too. Then, on November 5th, join us for some gaming!

If you don’t want to join the team, you can always help by donating. From our team page, you can click the Donate button, choose your favorite team member, and make your donation using your credit card, PayPal, or Amazon Pay. Donations of any amount are appreciated! Together, our donations add up and make a huge difference in childrens’ lives all over the U.S. and Canada.

On our November 5th Game Day, we’ll be streaming on the official Co-Optimus Twitch channel. You can watch us play a variety of co-op games and watch our fundraising progress throughout the day. If you make a donation to any Co-Optimus team member, we’ll give you a shout-out on the stream, and add you to the exclusive Extra Life group in our Discord. Mark it on your calendar and join us for a fun day!


