Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for May 2023
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Co-Op Monthly Round-Up for May 2023

Getting ready for Not-E3

June is upon us. Although E3 is once again not happening, the industry as a whole still seems to agree that it is a good month to flood the internet with new announcements. Hopefully we'll get a good amount of co-op fodder, too. We will, of course, keep you posted. Oh, and there is that thing incoming on June 6th called Diablo IV. You may have heard of it.

Meanwhile, May was anything but a boring month for new releases. 62 titles across all platforms and genres were vying for your attention, a personal highlight of ours being Tape to Tape on PC. After all, how often do you get a hockey game featuring a campaign AND co-op as well? It's definitely worth a look for sports fans.

Our database on the other hand saw an increase of another 169 entries of new, old, and upcoming games, bringing our current total to just over 12,500. So much stuff to play and not enough time in the world to do it! We truly live the dream. But since you can't read in dreams, please come to back to reality now and check out what you may have missed below.

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