Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise Of The Dragons

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Double Dragon Action Figures Coming From Syndicate Collectibles
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Double Dragon Action Figures Coming From Syndicate Collectibles

Three iconic Double Dragon characters will be getting action figures in 2024.

Given that Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons, the latest game in the long-running beat 'em up series, is due out on consoles and PC on July 27, it's fair to say that many of us have come down with Double Dragon fever. A toy company called Syndicate Collectibles is preparing for that fever by revealing action figures of three Double Dragon characters that will be released next year. The toys were shown off at San Diego Comic Con, and they look pretty sweet.

The toys include Billy and Jimmy Lee, the Double Dragon series protagonists, and Willy, the boss of the first game. Billy and Jimmy's hair colors are reversed, but that's actually fairly common in the Double Dragon series. All three characters appear in Double Dragon Gaiden.

News and photos of these figures come from Toyark. Syndicate Collectibles is such a new company that they don't seem to have a website or social media presence yet, oddly. Still, the photos prove that the toys are real enough. The toys are planned for release in 2024.

Double Dragon toys, photo by Toyark

Double Dragon Gaiden is a beat 'em up roguelite, the first roguelite in the series. It's a reboot that retells the story of the first game, taking place in a post-apocalyptic 1990s version of New York. Players will select from four characters and nine unlockable characters. Uniquely, Gaiden features tag team mechanics, so each player will control two characters instead of one.

After selecting characters and difficulty modifiers, the team will take on a series of increasingly tough levels in the order of their choosing. Between levels, players can select from a randomized assortment of upgrades, and money earned at the end of the game can be traded for tokens to spend on unlockables. Gaiden supports 2-player local co-op, and online co-op is planned for the future. Read our developer interview for lots more details!

Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons will arrive on XboxPlayStationSwitch, and Steam on Tuesday, July 27. It will sell for $24.99 digitally and $29.99 for physical versions. We’ll have a full co-op review soon!


