Saints Row 2

  • Online Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
Saints Row 2 Delayed Because of Co-op?
News by 2

Saints Row 2 Delayed Because of Co-op?

Well, it appears that Saints Row 2 has been delayed to October 2008. Videogaming247 reports that the game has been delayed, but they also have some speculation as to why the game has been delayed. Quoting Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital (an investment management company)

“We believe the primary motivation for the shift is to enhance and improve the title’s cooperative (co-op) game-play, which is one of the unique features of this game,” he said.

Sebastian goes on to state that the delay of the game could also be due to financial reasons, i.e. to push the game into the magical "holiday" market in video games. So, is Saints Row 2 going to start a trend of delaying games to fix/work on co-op? All I can say is if it makes the game better, I can wait. How about you?

