Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
PlayStation.com Now Supports Trophies
News by 11

PlayStation.com Now Supports Trophies

European PlayStation Network users have been enjoying this feature for some time, but now us North Americans can compare PlayStation 3 trophies via the official website.  There's a host of new features to the site along with this, my favorite which allows you to compare trophies to multiple friends.

- View detailed info on your trophies on PlayStation.com
- Compare your trophies with multiple friends and other PSN ID’s
- Compare details on trophies within each game
- Track your progress to the next level against friends
- See what trophies you have and what you still need to unlock for each game
- Use the sorting features to plan your game domination

Currently Jason leads our pack of staff members with 222 trophies, with the next closest "competitor" being Mike with 56.  How do you stack up?

Source: Blog.us.playstation.com

