Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Co-Optimus Redesign Launched - Feedback Contest!
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Co-Optimus Redesign Launched - Feedback Contest!

As you can probably see, things are a bit different around here (if not hit control-f5).  We've been hard at work behind the scenes to bring you a cleaner more easier to use Co-Optimus.com.  More changes are on the way in terms of functionality - so sit tight!

In the meantime we'd like to know what you think!  Tell us the good or the bad as a comment to this post.  Be sure to let us know of any problems you see.  We'll be giving away 1600 MS Points to one lucky poster, and another will win a co-op game of their choice!

