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Beyond Co-Op, January 17th to January 23rd
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Beyond Co-Op, January 17th to January 23rd

Welcome to Beyond Co-Op, a weekly piece that talks about industry stories that may or may not be related to co-op gaming.

The stories for this week:

- Sony Motion Controller Named? Pushed to Fall 2010 Release
- First Assassin’s Creed II DLC Drops This Thursday
- Mass Effect 2 and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Highlight Releases This Week

Sony Motion Controller Named? Pushed to Fall 2010 Release

The first part is a rumor at this point, but signs are pointing to the fact that Sony’s motion controller will be named “Arc” when it releases. The bad news is that the peripheral has been delayed to the fall putting it in possible direct competition with Microsoft’s Natal system. Could this be the next war between Sony and Microsoft for sales? We shall see.

Source: various sites

First Assassin’s Creed II DLC Drops This Thursday

The first of the two missing sequences in the main Assassin’s Creed II story will be available this coming Thursday at the price of 320 Microsoft points or $3.99 on PS3. I’m pretty excited about these DLCs that are coming for the game and am very surprised by how low the price is for them. Their size is quite large (each one supposedly is 1GB plus), so I wonder how long they will be.

The first DLC, “The Battle of Forli” will find Ezio taking on the Orsi brothers with the help of Machiavelli. One would guess this DLC will open up previously blocked areas of Florence to Ezio, but we shall see.

Source: Joystiq

Mass Effect 2 and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Highlight Releases

Sorry about the lack of stories this week. Going through the sites I usually hit I really didn’t find much interesting to talk about this week at Beyond Co-Op. It is a big week in releases though with Mass Effect 2 coming out. I’m also very interested in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle on the Wii because I loved the first game quite a bit. It is still one of the best (and weirdest) Wii games and I hope the second game can reach or surpass the original.

I will be spending most of my weekend playing the big release of next week: Mass Effect 2. I can’t say anything about it unfortunately as we are embargoed until early in the morning on release day. We’re supposedly being sent a list of spoilers they would like us to not talk about in our reviews, but even early on in the game there are spoilers galore so it should be interesting to see exactly what kind of angle I can give for a review. I plan on having one ready by the time embargo lifts, but we’ll see how it goes. You’ll find it over on Co-Optimus’ sister site, Colony of Gamers early in the morning on Tuesday I hope.

Source: me

