It seems several staff members are feeling a bit "meh" at the moment. Maybe it's the fact that summer is tantalizingly close but still weeks away. Maybe it's the fact that we want to be playing all the upcoming fall releases RIGHT NOW. Or, maybe it's just too much too plan it all out. Sometimes, rolling with it and playing whatever you want to on impulse is ok!
Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "Not really planning on anything specific on the gaming front though I've been itchin to play some Raiden games.."
Marc "DjinniMan" Allie - "I will roll with the others and just play what comes up. Sorta in a gaming funk right now."
Mike "pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "Playing some more Dynasty Warriors 7 for our forthcoming review as well as The 3rd Birthday. Looks like Friday/Saturday night Magic: The Gathering is going to make its triumphant return while my friends and I try desperately to relive our middle school years."
Jim "txshurricane" McLaughlin - "As much Homefront multiplayer as I can fit into yet another work weekend. Failing that - some more Full House Poker and Batman: Arkham Asylum."
Katrina "Shadokat Regn" Pawlowski - "I think I will take a hint from Nick's example and not specifically plan on playing anything - there are too many games that I hope to play in a short time, I'll just play them all!"
Sam "Samoza" Tyler - "My copy of DeBlob 2 should be arriving so I'll try out the local co-op, plus I am still working my way through Fable III."
Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill - "I recently re-discovered Army of Two: The 40th Day while playing with the new Co-Optimus app on my Droid. I realized I only completed two stages before I had to bump it for something else (probably maxing out my fifth Borderlands character). It's like a whole new game to me! ."
Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "Playing some more Dragon Age 2 this weekend and maybe some Okamiden."
Jason "Origami Panther" Love - "I'll be hitting up more Dynasty Warriors 7 because I'm completely and totally addicted to those games, as well as some MTG and maybe a board game or two."