Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Kill Team Dated for PSN
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Kill Team Dated for PSN

Warhammer 40k: Kill Team will come to PSN August 2nd

Good news for all you folks that either don't have an Xbox 360 or prefer your twin-stick shooters on your Playstation 3: Warhammer 40k: Kill Team is due out on PSN next Tuesday (August 2nd). We reviewed the XBLA version and found it a satisfying co-op game, though not without its flaws. The PSN version sounds to be virtually unchanged from the XBLA one, with two-player local same-screen co-op . It features four classes as well as weapon upgrades and a perk system. The PSN version will also be $10.

Source: Blog.us.playstation.com

