Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers

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"Hot" Co-Op Board Game Flash Point Fire Rescue on Kickstarter
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"Hot" Co-Op Board Game Flash Point Fire Rescue on Kickstarter

One of the most intriguing concepts of the past few years is Kickstarter.  For those who don't know, Kickstarter is a service for raising funding for all sorts of different projects.  Several board games have been successfully funded on Kickstarter in the past year, and now, there's an intriguing co-op board game coming.

Flash Point: Fire Rescue, as you might surmise from the title, involves firefighters rescuing people from a burning building.  Similar to Pandemic, each player has a particular role that allows him or her to specialize in various areas, like extra movement, driving the truck, etc.  Players must work together to balance finding survivors, extinguishing fires, and staying safe in a building that might collapse at any moment.  The components looks great, and the game scales from an easy family version to more complex options, too.

There are just a few days left to help fund Flash Point: Fire Rescue, and there are all sorts of incentives for backers, in addition to a unique theme, that make this project (if you'll forgive the pun) a really hot commodity.  Show your support for co-op!


