
  • Online Co-Op: 4 Players
  • Couch Co-Op: 2 Players
  • LAN Co-Op: 4 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
  • + Co-Op Modes
  • + Combo Co-Op
Act Fast: Tidalis On Sale for $1.50 on Steam!
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Act Fast: Tidalis On Sale for $1.50 on Steam!

An 85% discount on an item is a pretty good deal, wouldn't you think?  You could pick up a brand new Corvette for under ten grand.  A nice steak dinner for under $5.  An mp3 download for fifteen cents.  Or, you could pick up a highly polished, deep, and charming puzzle game with an innovative co-op mode for $1.50. 

Starting now, and lasting until tomorrow at 10 AM PST, Tidalis is the Steam Daily Deal.  For a buck and a half, it's absolutely worth it, and if you are even slightly a fan of puzzle games you should pick up a copy as fast as you can.  It's the best co-op puzzler out there, with a huge amount of content at normal price.  At 85% off, it's an absolute steal.

Source: Store.steampowered.com

