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Our Weekend in Gaming - Darker Things are Afoot Edition
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Our Weekend in Gaming - Darker Things are Afoot Edition

A recent Dark Souls patch has plunged some of the staff back into that game.  I'm still not sure how they have time for that game after putting 100s of hours in and all these other great games to play.  No matter a lot of the staff will be hitting up Gears 3 for a community co-op night!  Join us if you are INSANE enough.

Nick "bapenguin" Puleo - "I've had quite possibly one of the worst weeks in recent memory, so I'll be drin....err...playing lots of games to relieve some stress. "

Marc "DjinniMan" Allie"I'll be getting my dynotherms and megathrusters ready in Voltron, and also checking out Black Friday deal games we picked up: Arkham City and Dance Central 2!"

Andrew "Cubninja" Gaskill - "'ll be playing Gears 3 on Saturday night with the Co-Optimus Community.  l'll also be playing MW3 Spec Ops with the wife, using the site's handy walkthrough videos if we have any issues.  I'll hit up Voltron for some kick-ass nostalgia.  Locke, Rich, and I will continue testing the Dark Souls patch for any connectivity issues.  Might have to raise the score on that one, since we're summoning each other at will.  Another 40-50 hours of gameplay and I'll know for sure."

Mike "Pheriannath" Katsufrakis - "Bulletstorm, and I'll start making my way through the pile of games I bought in the thanksgiving Steam sale. "

Tally "xelissa" Callahan - "I picked up Gear 3 for half price on Cyber Monday, so I'll be making my way through that this weekend."

Paul "EastX" Acevedo - "Just trying to get well enough to play games again. I got sick on Thanksgiving, and now my son and girlfriend are too. Moan..."

Locke Vincent - "I'll be shooting off my Big Boner in Shadows of the Damned, and following Cubninja down the rabbit hole of Dark Souls co-op. "

Sam "Samoza" Tyler - "I'm free to do as I wish this weekend, so its unhealthy amounts of gaming for me including Gears of War 3, Pinball FX2 and The Adventures of TinTin."

Jason "OrigamiPanther" Love - "I think I'll be checking out some PC games this weekend. After putting together the holiday guide, I was in the mood to play through some more Magicka, Dungeon Defenders, and maybe even pick up Serious Sam for some crazy co-op shenanigans."

Eric "smurphster" Murphy - "I'll be playing Gears of War 3 during our insane co-op night on Saturday (you should too). I still have a long way to go in Halo Anniversary so I'll be enjoying that as well. "

What are your gaming plans?

