Double Fine Happy Action Theater

  • Couch Co-Op: 6 Players
  • + Co-Op Campaign
Happy Action Theater Brings Kinect Co-Op Insanity to XBLA February 1st
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Happy Action Theater Brings Kinect Co-Op Insanity to XBLA February 1st

Get ready to get silly.

Xbox Live Arcade games that require Kinect can be hit or miss. For every Fruit Ninja Kinect, there is also a Leedmees. But Happy Action Theater has something going for it that inspires plenty of confidence: it comes from Tim Schaeffer's Double Fine Productions. These guys are known for their creativity, and they've already demonstrated their Kinect expertise with Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster.

Happy Action Theater is a collection of short and silly minigames that people of any age can enjoy. Think Wario Ware, but with full-body motion controls and co-op. The idea is to get everybody off the couch and acting goofy. You'll be dancing, scaring off birds, watering flowers, and lots of other silly stuff together.

Happy Action Theater comes to XBLA on February 1 for 800 Microsoft Points ($10). It supports an amazing 6-players in local co-op.


