Orion: Dino Beatdown has a lot of things going for it - mainly dinosaurs and beatdowns. There really isn't much else I could ask for. Well, maybe some bacon and breasts, but I have yet to find the one game that can properly contain the four cornerstones of my adolescence.
Spiral Game Studios has a fancy new launch trailer for your viewing pleasure. Now before you say something about Halo or Avatar or Jurassic Park, just know the Youtubers beat you to it. Personally, I think it looks like a futuristic take on the The Valley of the Gwangi. Go ahead and award yourself one, and only one, internet point if you know what I'm talking about.
Orion: Dino Beatdown will support five player online co-op. It will launch on Steam and the On Live service on April 20th. Where else can you shoot a T-Rex for ten bucks?